Thursday, April 8, 2010


April 8th, 2010 marked the 16th anniversary of the discovery of [the great] Kurt Cobain's death. Yeah, I said 'great' you can figure that I did tune in to the radio memorials and only listened to Nirvana tunes all day as my own little tribute.

I payed tribute to Kurt because I thought he was a great musician who started a genre of music - which most artists can not put on their repertoire. Some people think its stupid to celebrate someone who "just wrote music" - especially if you sang about the things that Kurt did; but if you think about it...he was a genius!

I'll explain why I said that in just a sec...

Most people crucify Cobain because his music "had no substance" and was simple. They think his lyrics weren't about anything deep and were virtually nonsense.However, being as it may, he started a genre of music and had music/merchandise sales that rivaled those of The Beatles, Elvis and Queen. People say his music had no substance and yet it can compete with those kinds of bands which the same people would probably call "the greats". That alone deserves some recognition. Even if Cobain was a pot smoking suicidal psycho, whose lyrics were so simple that in fact he fooled everyone (in an almost reverse psychological sense) into thinking they were the exact opposite - PROFOUND is quite brilliant not to mention completely comical. Confused? Let me clarify. If you think Cobain's lyrics were just nonsense words, and if that is exactly what Cobain wanted them to be...people bought into it! The majority of the young 90's music scene totally went for it! It could have been that they've never seen such simple lyrics before that they began to think the songs were incredible. The lyrics still spoke volumes to them - the same as the other major legendary bands of that decade. So that's what I'm trying to say: even if Cobain wrote the stupidest lyrics around, people were convinced they were touched by his words.

Now the other side of things. There are also the people who truly believed he wrote the truth about the simplest things and expressed his deepest emotions through lyrics that the people who listened to his music could relate to because of the sheer rawness of it. A rawness they had never experienced before.

You see, either way he was a genius who, in my opinion, deserves respect.

haha, I liked this picture of him..

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